Who's eligible?

The SilverChef Community Grants Program is open to registered charities and not-for-profits that use hospitality or food service to support disadvantaged communities. Four grants worth $5,000 each are awarded each quarter globally. To be eligible, applicants should receive limited funding from other sources, have a clear and specific need for commercial kitchen equipment, and have been a registered charity or NFP for a minimum of 12 months.

What can the grant be used for?

Each $5,000 grant is a 75:25 mix of equipment and cash, as follows:


The majority of the grant is provided in the form of credit to spend on Certified Used commercial kitchen equipment advertised on SilverChef’s website. Of the total grant value of $5,000, a minimum of $3,750 (75%) must be redeemed against equipment.


Once the grant recipient has selected their equipment, they can have the outstanding portion of the grant in cash, up to a maximum of $1,250. This can be used to help towards the cost of freight, installation and raw materials (e.g. coffee beans).

When can I apply?

Each quarter we award four grants of $5,000 each. The four funding rounds occur as follows:

Round 1: Applications open 1 July - 30 September

Round 2: Applications open 1 October - 31 December

Round 3: Applications open 1 January - 31 March

Round 4: Applications open 1 April - 30 June

What next?

After you submit your grant application, we’ll assess it against our selection criteria, including how your initiative will positively impact your local community.

If your application is successful, we’ll contact you within one month of applications closing (see dates at left). Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

We’ll then give you expert advice so you can select the Certified Used equipment best suited to your organization’s needs. 

When we notify you that your application is successful, we need to hear from you within 30 days or the grant will be allocated to the next applicant on the shortlist. Once you’ve accepted the grant, you have 12 months to fully redeem it.

Apply now

To apply for a grant, please go to the link below, complete and submit the application form to us.

Application form

Community grant story: Easter Seals Nova Scotia

For over 90 years, Easter Seals Nova Scotia has championed inclusion, independence, and mobility for people with disabilities across the province​. Through their social enterprise, New Leaf Enterprises, they provide meaningful employment support and training, helping individuals with disabilities build the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the workforce.

At the heart of this effort is the New Leaf Enterprises kitchen, where staff and trainees collaborate to operate a café and catering business​​. As a recipient of one of SilverChef’s $5,000 CAD Community Grants, Easter Seals Nova Scotia was able to purchase essential commercial kitchen equipment that has significantly enhanced their operations​.

Community grant story: Wisteria Community Association

The Wisteria Community Association in Nanaimo, British Columbia, is dedicated to supporting the city’s most vulnerable populations. Through its Stone Soup Dining & Social Centre, the association provides two daily meals, social activities, and essential services like hygiene supplies and harm reduction resources to low-income individuals, many of whom are homeless or experiencing poverty.

After receiving a SilverChef Community Grant valued at $5,000 CAD, the Wisteria Community Association was able to purchase key commercial kitchen equipment. “The grant has allowed us to significantly improve our meal service by providing the equipment we needed to keep food at the right temperature and ensure consistent quality,” explains Tanya​​ Hiltz, President of the association.

Frequently asked questions

How often can I apply for a grant?

Eligible applicants can apply for a SilverChef Community Grant once per financial year.

If your application was not successful, you can reapply in any subsequent round of grants. If your application was successful, you can’t apply for another grant until 12 months have elapsed.

When can I expect a decision on my grant application?

Successful applicants will be notified within one month of applications closing (see 'When can I apply?' above). 

Do you notify unsuccessful applicants?

Unfortunately, given the volume of applications we receive, we aren’t able to notify unsuccessful applicants. However, we will reply to let you know your application has been received. All successful applicants will be contacted by email within one month of the closing date of the current round of grants. 

How many grants do you award?

SilverChef awards four grants of $5,000 per quarter globally. Applications come from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. In total, we award 16 grants annually with a total value of $80,000.

Can I receive more than one grant per year?

No — there’s a limit of one grant per organization per financial year.

Does the grant expire?

Yes. We will email you to let you know you’ve been successful; if we don’t hear from you within 30 days of sending this email, we will reallocate your grant to the next organization on the shortlist. Once you’ve confirmed acceptance of your grant (an email will do!), we require you to fully redeem it within 12 months. Any unused portion of your grant will be reallocated to our next funding round, allowing us to support more organizations.